quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


Rebuild 92, 93

Rebuild: 92: Break Things Three Times (kansai_takako) 日本最大級!無料の家計簿アプリ・レシート家計簿「Zaim」 会社行きながら作る、個人で1年 COOKPAD出資 Mint: Money Manager, Bill Pay, Credit Score, Budgeting & Investing Titanium Mogsnapが使…

Js x Minesweeper


5JSのリンクから気になったので見てみた Minesweeperのゲームの実装 Immutability in Reactwww.sitepoint.com codepen.io codepenというブラウザ上で実行できるサービス

egghead.io RxJS

RxJSについて何も知らないので見てみた Creating An Observable with RxJS - RxJS Video Tutorial #freeegghead.io jsbin.com 説明の内容より、実行環境が気になった JSBinというブラウザ上で動くサービスだった サンプルコードのforkなどが簡単 What Is RxJ…

5JS #77


https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/84-episode-77-may-28th-2015 Telescope written with Meteor that gives you a easy way to launch your own community Spree Ember a collection of Ember CLI add-ons for Spree called Spree Ember Spree eComme…

5JS #76


https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/83-episode-76-may-21st-2015 Promises Coding standards for promises vary greatly from team to team Promises A+ spec Meteor Raises $20m taken $20M in funding and are expanding their offers with Galaxy R…

5JS #75


https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/82-episode-75-may-14th-2015 Deku alternative to React.js built by the Segment team React was a ‘big thing’ doing many things within a black box Ionic 1.0 open source HTML5 mobile framework for buildin…