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thoughtbot The Bike Shed Episode #12

12: A Poor Man's binding.pry | The Bike Shed RailsConf kiss metrics, mixpanel strategy pattern user presenter use decorator pry 2014 Videos - WindyCityRails drink before talk (whistkey, beer)

thoughtbot Build Phase #81

81: Are You Watching the Game Right Now? | Build Phase TestFlight brokne XCode project definition Segment.io CocoaPod umbrella iOS 8.3 design issue Swift 1.2 if let, unwrap incremental compile NSNorth

Ruby5 #544

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/584-episode-544-april-17th-2015 Ruby OpenSSL Hostname Verification OpenSSL extensions through violations of matching hostnames, particularly wildcard certificates releases of Ruby 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 Ope…

Ruby5 #543

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/583-episode-543-april-14th-2015 Rubygems Richard Schneeman (heroku) why Rubygems sometimes takes so long to load up your Ruby application dependencies DTrace performance tracing was used irbtools irbto…

Ruby5 #542

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/582-episode-542-april-10th-2015 Broccoli ember-cli's build tool (building an ember-cli addon) AR Includes Kent Beck’s philosophy of “Make it work, make it right, make it fast.” Chronicles Remembers inv…

Ruby5 #541

https://ruby5.codeschool.com/episodes/581-episode-541-april-7th-2015 Ruby Performance Optimization Book Alexander Dymo Writing Solid Data-Processing Code gem Kiba - Lightweight ETL for Ruby Kartograph generate and convert JSON, for API cli…

iOS Bytes #64

https://iosbytes.codeschool.com/episodes/66-episode-64-april-9th-2015 awesome-­ios-­ui A curated list of awesome iOS UI/UX libraries IGInterfaceDataTable WKInterfaceTable WatchKit ios-charts An iOS port of the beautiful MPAndroidChart Adap…

iOS Bytes #65

https://iosbytes.codeschool.com/episodes/67-episode-65-april-16th-2015 WWDC lottery week Researching ResearchKit open source -Written in Objective-C not Swift Apple’s Spring Animation APIs It’s Probably Apple’s Fault Xcode Code Signing som…

5JS #70


https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/77-episode-70-april-9th-2015 Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide outlines new features from ES6 such as destructuring, let, and arrow functions ES6 Features New Features: Overview & Comparison xto6 develop …

5JS #71


https://fivejs.codeschool.com/episodes/78-episode-71-april-16th-2015 JavaScript Module Strategies Common.js, AMD, and even ES6 Optimizing JS You’re Optimizing the Wrong Things Too Many Network Requests Page Reflows Too Many DOM Selections …