quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


thoughtbot Build Phase #44

Emergency Brisket ScrollViewとAutoLayout storyboardを使うかどうか facebookのsnapshotのテストケース canadic boring california tiny town isolated everyone knows everyone mexican food bbq cousin birthday autolayout hell scroll view user profi…

Ruby5 #476

Ruby5 - Episode #476 - July 1st, 2014 fast_attributes Fast PORO attributes with fast_attributes It supports coercion, custom types, and even has a UUID extension extend FastAttributes attribute :title, :name, String define_attributes initi…

MotionInMotion Episode 31 - Custom Video Players and Animating Videos

Custom Video Players and Animating Videos - MotionInMotion ビデオを再生しながらアニメーション PlayerController file_url = NSBundle.mainBundle.URLForResource('big_buck_bunny', withExtension: 'mp4') file_url = NSURL.URLWithString('http://cli…

thoughtbot Build Phase #43

Golden Fontenot and The Mark Adams Effect SwiftよりもObjective-Cがまだconfidence持てる 簡単なProvisioning Profileの間違いで、丸一日はまった Apple Developer Portalのバグ 何年経っても理解できない アプリの名前のところで、失敗したら削除しても…