quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


RubyTapas #033 - #038

033 Classes and Constants ? Point = Class.new do attr_reader :x, :y 034 Struct from Hash ★ Beer = Struct.new(:brewery, :name, :abv, :ibu) do def self.from_hash(attributes) instance = self.new attributes.each do |key, value| instance[key] …

RubyTapas #027 - #032

027 Macros and Modules ? module Eventful def self.included(other) other.extend(Macros) end ... なんか難しい 028 Macros and Modules Part 2 ? module Macros def event(name) mod = Module.new mod.module_eval(%Q{ def #{name}(*args) notify_list…

Ruby5 #394

Ruby5 - Episode #394 - August 13th, 2013 ES Attachment indexing attachment files on Elasticsearch "attachment type" plugin Refinery 2.1.0 the removal of support for Ruby 1.8.x it does not support Rails 4 yet Conditionals Aren't Evil Unless…

NSScreencast Episode #44 In App Purchases

In App Purchases - NSScreencast アプリ内課金 iTunes connect iTunes Connect デベロッパガイド https://developer.apple.com/jp/devcenter/ios/library/documentation/iTunesConnect_Guide.pdf in app purchase consumable - currency non consumable - u…

thoughtbot Giant Robots Episode #61

thoughtbot Learn Having the Craic with Paul Episode #61 Paul Dublin, Ireland 全体としてカンファレンス開催の話 eventのためのサービス conference organizer Funconf III · 2012 トップページおもしろい Tito (Event registration for people who care…