quattro_4 scribble

scribble 落書き (調べた事をただ落書きする)


RubyTapas #091 - #093

091 Ruby 2.0: Rebinding Methods ★ DCI - Data, Context and Interaction Roles source_account.extend(TransferSourceAccount) dest_account.extend(TransferDestinationAccount) Wrap source_account = TransferSourceAccount.new(account1) dest_account…

Ruby5 #367

Ruby5 - Episode #367 - May 7th, 2013 RailsConf videos - 多分見きれないか全く見ない Rails 4 Videos - free on CodeSchool Adequack - isolated unit test Rails 4 Server Better STI Passenger 4.0.1 - multiple ruby version mail-logger - monitor tr…

RailsCasts #415 Upgrading to Rails 4

#415 Upgrading to Rails 4 - RailsCasts prepare all of gems are up to date all test pass rais '4.0.0.rc1' sass, coffee remove group :assets RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake asset:precompile application.rb bundle update bundle outdated …